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Bicycles For Sale


“At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.”


At Japan Auto Trading,  We stock a huge range of men’s, women’s, and kids bikes Bicycles For Sale online from the biggest Australian and international bike brands. With over 800 models available you can be sure you will find the perfect bike. Shop our full range of Mountain, Road, Commuter, and Kid’s bikes online or at your local Japan Auto Trading Store. If you are new to riding or would like to ask some questions about finding the correct bike or stock availability, please call our bike sales service team on 1800 990 523 or visit your local Japan Auto Trading store.

All our bikes for sale come with a free professional bike fit as well as our Perfect Ride Guarantee, so you can ride home in confidence! Don’t wait, arrange your bike sales with Japan Auto Trading today!



A Commuter Bike is not quite a Road Bike, not quite a Mountain Bike, rather something in between. This versatile style of bike is great for riding around town or for commuting to work. Hybrid bikes generally have a relaxed upright riding position, a good range of gears as well as heaps of mounting points for accessories like racks and lights. You can browse our full range of Commuter and Hybrid bikes online here.

MOUNTAIN BIKES  | Bicycles For Sale

Mountain bikes are the most versatile type of bike on the market. They make going off-road easy as well as being suited to recreational and commuter purposes. Mountain bikes are built tough with most models offering front and rear suspension as well as wider off-road tyres and more durable components. Entry-level mountain bikes like the Silverback Stride are a great option for someone who occasionally rides to work and wants to start getting into riding trails.


As the name suggests, Road bikes are designed for on-road use and specifically longer distance rides. Road bikes are lightweight and designed for maximum pedaling efficiency. Most road bikes will come with no suspension, 700c wheels, and gearing that is suited to riding at higher speeds. Road bikes are popular with many types of people from those looking to improve their fitness, to social riders, and serious racers. Shop our range of Road Bikes for sale today.

KID’S BIKES | Bicycles For Sale

We stock a wide range of youth bikes for sale from balance bikes for toddlers to kids’ mountain bikes and BMXs. Our range of bikes is perfect for all sizes of children, from toddlers to kids up to 160cm. We have a range of coloUrs, sizes, and styles to choose from for girls and boys. With leading brands like Mongoose, Merida, Vuly, and Cruzee for sale, you can be confident you will find the perfect bike. If you are looking to purchase a kids bikes we recommend you read our blog about Kids Bike Sizing


BMX bikes were all the craze in the ’70s and 80’s, especially in the UK where it became the bicycle to have for kids and Teenagers, this trend continues today with over 1 million BMX’s sold per year in Australia alone. Bmx bikes are lighter in weight and smaller in size making them the perfect bike for doing tricks or riding at the skate park. Shop our extensive range of BMX Bikes for sale online.


Electric bikes are becoming more and more popular for getting around Australia’s biggest cities and trail networks. Electric Bikes can give you up to 340% extra power when pedaling. This allows you to easily power up hills and ride for longer without breaking a sweat!. Browse our selection of Electric Bikes for sale Australia wide. Visit your local 99 bikes store to test ride an electric bike today.



Here is what customers most commonly tell us are the reasons they’re looking for a bike:


Whether you’re eager to build on your endurance and stamina, or keen to relax and unwind as you coast along the tracks – cycling allows you to choose your own pace and intensity. All of our bikes for sale are great for these goals, but in particular, you may want to check out our range of Road Bikes, Mountain Bikes, and Commuter & Recreation Bikes.


Australia has tonnes of paths, parks, and tracks which make for great bike-riding adventures for the whole family. The kids will want a cool design and to go fast, meanwhile, you’ll want to know they’re safe and one a bike that’s properly fitted for their size. While all of our bike ranges will suit your needs, you may want to start your search with our Mountain Bikes and Kids Bikes.

Joining your local cycling club is a great way to get motivated, discover new trails, and make new friends. Each club is different, but you can start by checking out our ranges of Road Bikes and Adventure Road Bikes.


You know the drill – liven up your commute, fill the car up less frequently and save money on public transport by riding a bike to work. We have a massive range of Commuter & Recreation Bikes that can help you start and finish the workday feeling alive and with a clear mind.


Our staff are well-known for being the most friendly, knowledgeable and professional bike sales experts, and will help you with any questions you may have. Here are some of the most common:


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